make space for the things that matter.
your home. your life. your photos.
hello & welcome
Hi, I’m Carrie Powell. I recently retired from a 30-year career in fashion merchandising where I grew in leadership roles that allowed me to cultivate my natural skills of editing, organizing, and creating streamlined systems. After leaving fashion I wanted to continue practicing the skills I love in the home and family space and thus, Method Seattle was born.
I know what it’s like when the many demands on your time and emotional bandwidth are amplified by clutter and chaos in your household and your calendar. I also know the sense of relief that emerges when someone you trust can come in to relieve that burden. My professional organizing services span from home to photos to infusing more meaning into your hectic weeks.
Whether you are going through a transition in your life, buckling under the weight of a crushing schedule or want to get years of photos out of boxes and phones, I’m here to help you make space for the things that matter!
– Carrie Powell, Owner

organizing services
