Method Mixed Bag: February
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I’m using the first week of each new month to round up a mixed bag of topics that are top of mind for me right now. This month the list is pretty eclectic and topics will not follow any particular order. Engage as your relevance-meter dictates!
shop project
I don’t often post pictures of my work as I like to protect the privacy of my clients but I’m making an exception here due to the sheer magnitude of this project; it is going to be the most satisfying Before/After transformation ever and so I wanted to share it! Pictured is the basement shop of a client. The shop is actually pretty amazing but is currently unusable as every surface is covered as well as a majority of the floor space. There isn’t really any more to add here, the picture says it all. I’m posting the Before shot for posterity – stay tuned for the After in a future Mix Bag post!
This is the current mountain I am climbing
Mah Jong
I recently learned how to play Mah Jong and can feel myself getting sucked down a rabbit-hole of obsession, this game is right up my alley! I would describe it as a combination of Gin Rummy and Bingo with a lot more strategy and procedural rules for miles. And to add fuel to the already-healthy fire I unearthed my grandmother’s vintage Mah Jong tile set, complete with ivory tiles with bamboo backs, markers for betting and the tiniest dice I’ve ever seen. My mom inherited the set from her mom but never played herself; I’m always to happy to honor an heirloom by actually using it and am now the envy of my friends that are learning with me. It’s hilarious actually how we have all been sucked in by this game in the space of 2 weekends. More to come as I attempt to win my first Round (or Hand? – still learning correct terminology!) which hasn’t happened yet…
My grandmother’s Mah Jong set, 1950’s vintage
optimizing small spaces
Small spaces are some of my favorite to organize because constraint breeds innovation and they also require a healthy purge as a first step. Method Seattle was recently selected by Redfin as a top Seattle, WA, decluttering expert. See the Redfin article we were featured in: Experts Share 16 Life-Changing Ideas for Decluttering and Organizing Small Spaces | Redfin. Great inspiration for any small space in your home!
Small kitchens are some of my favorite to tackle
my ski season begins
This is really late in the season for me to be just starting my ski season. Last year I had already racked up 8 days by the first week in February. This year there have been several random mitigating factors keeping me home: Omicron, road conditions and too much work! Brooks is home from college on a quick dental-related trip and requested to go skiing so this week he, Abby and I are headed to the mountain! Hopefully no one from the Sammamish High staff is reading this post as I’m calling Abby out sick – seeing as it’s the first week of her last semester of high school I’m not too worried about treating her to a Hooky Day. She’s my third kid and thus my foot has pretty much come off the parental control pedal…
Can’t wait to ski with these 2 this week!
Excellent closet advice
I am a huge fan of Wirecutter, the New York Times-generated product review website that is sort of like a cooler version of Consumer Reports. They do all of the product research and testing and give recommendations based on their findings. I am also a huge fan of not wasting time or money so I guess it was inevitable that I would love their stuff. Their latest reviews cover closet organization products and they are spot-on with their recs so I’m sharing in case you are contemplating a closet-storage upgrade!
Towards the end of this month my family is meeting up at Disneyland and I’m so excited about it. We have sprinkled in Disney trips over the years, it’s not an annual thing (otherwise it gets dull, no?) but we always seem to have an amazing time when we go. The opportunities for family vacations are few and far between once you hit the college years. That plus 2 years of COVID has really limited our time all together. I’m trying to stay cool and not resemble one of those Disney freaks but the planning part of me (so like 90%) is really going to town on the trip prep! Stay tuned as I anticipate over-posting and a review of the new Genie+ system that replaced Fast Pass!
All smiles as we head to Disney this month
Well that’s it for this month’s Mix Bag, 2022 is well underway and February is already here. This month’s posts will be focused on the benefits of planning, my Love Language! Have a great week all!